An Independent Third Party Inspection allows you to:
Prioritize repairs while providing a safe play area.
Show required Due Diligence.
Save Money
3 reasons Playground Inspectors are called:
Ongoing maintenance.
Justify funding for repairs or replacement.
Initial compliance as required by California Health Code.
In order to avoid any conflict of interest we do not repair any playground equipment. We also do not use inspections to create repair work. After a site survey to determine exact pricing AND your approval the inspection or audit will be performed. We provide a fully photo documented written report.
Our costs are extremely competitive and payment arrangements can be made.
We're an independent third party inspector, our services include:
Early Childhood Playground Inspection
Surface Impact Testing
Compliance Certificates
Assessments are done to determine compliance with:
CPSC Pub. 325 Guidelines
ASTM Standards F1487 Playground Equipment for Public Use
ASTM Standards F1292 Impact Attenuation
ASTM Standards F1951 Accessibility
In order to avoid any conflict of interest we do not repair any playground equipment. We also do not use inspections to create repair work. After a site survey to determine exact pricing AND your approval the inspection or audit will be performed. We provide a fully photo documented written report.
Our costs are extremely competitive and payment arrangements can be made.
Purpose of Inspections
There are two good reasons to have your playground inspected. The first reason is to help keep your playground safe. You do not ever want an accident to happen on your property, it is bad for the injured and it is bad for you and your business. The second reason is to help protect your company from lawsuits that may occur if your equipment is not up to standards. A certified inspector can check your playground for things that cause accidents, like environmental damage, that you would not see otherwise.